Ameena B. Djanga

A moment forever Cherished.jpg

The Artist

Painting and drawing since childhood, Ameena cannot picture a world without it. Growing up in Southern California, she knew her future would involve art in some capacity. 

Over the years, Ameena has traveled across the United States of America and internationally, using those experiences as inspiration for her work. 

A graduate from George Fox University, she holds a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art and a Bachelor of Arts in Global Business. She also has a Master of Museum Studies and a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from Johns Hopkins University. Her background includes experience in marketing & advertising and association management in both the nonprofit and for profit sectors. Ameena currently serves on the Board of Directors at the Five Oaks Museum in Portland, OR and on the Board of Directors at George Fox University in Newberg, OR. 

A constant learner and a woman with a nontraditional path in life, Ameena hopes that she will continue to be inspired by the world around her in order to tell the unique stories of the silenced.

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